Follow these does and don’ts of horse choke care.
1. DO remove access to food. It is not uncommon for a horse to continue to eat even after a blockage has occurred.
2. DO remove access to water. People will often take a drink of water to “wash something down”. This method does not hold true for horses. Often, water just sits on top of the blockage and then comes running out their nose.
3. DON’T TRY TO RELIEVE THE BLOCKAGE YOURSELF. Sticking a hose down their throat to flush it with oil or water can cause the horse to aspirate food stuffs into their lungs. Your veterinarian will administer sedatives causing the horse to drop its head low to the ground and the materials above the blockage will drain down and out. They will also uses drugs to relax the muscles in the neck.
4. DO feel up and down the neck to locate the block. If you locate it, gently massage the area to try and relieve the choke.