Not necessarily. If your horse is “plump” all over then the answer is probably yes. There are horses with large hay bellies that have normal to poor body condition scores and would not be considered overweight. If your horse is generally thin except for the hay belly then the answer is probably no, he is not overweight. If your horse is overly thin except for the hay belly that may be an indication your horse is not receiving proper daily nutrition.
Hay belly may be caused by the amount of hay that your horse is consuming. The horse‚Äôs gut must expand to make room for the large quantity of hay or grass. As stated above, this does not always mean the horse is overweight. By restructuring your horse’s diet with a quality well balanced feed along with smaller amounts of hay you can provide your horse with the proper nutrition. The proper way to determine if your horse is overweight would be to discuss your concerns with your veterinarian.