Biosecurity measure for your horse farm should be on your list of To-Do’s. There are several simple things that you can do to ensure your equine stay healthy. These include:
Keeping horses current on vaccinations. A $15 or $20 vaccine is far cheaper and less time consuming than caring for a sick horse or a barn full of sick horses.
Don’t panic when you read stories of outbreaks. Make sure to get all the facts. Those diseases you should be on the lookout or are “rotavirus, Salmonella, equine herpesvirus, equine influenza, equine arteritis virus, rhinoviruses, Streptococcus equi, and Rhodococcus equi.”
If you have a horse that is sick isolate it. Make sure that you don’t cross contaminate. Use separate manure forks, scoops, change cloths, or use disposable gloves.
Remember prevention is your best defense. Horse’s that have traveled should not come in contact with broodmares or young horses. Don’t “share” grooming tools, feed or water buckets ects. Use disinfectant to wash down surfaces and be mindful to wash your hands and disinfect your boots.
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