Journey Through Equine Hoof Health
Unlocking the Secrets of Your Horse’s Hooves Have you recently taken a close look at your horse’s feet? The growth and changes ...
Horse Hiccups (Thumps) Explained
Horse Hiccups (Thumps), also called synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF), is a condition that affects horses when the diaphragm and the heartbeat synchronize ...
A Horse’s Winter Coat – Keeping Warm In Winter
If left to grow, is a healthy natural winter coat enough to keep your horse warm over winter? The short answer is ...
Vitamin Loss In Cured Hay
Hay is valuable for its protein, mineral, and vitamin content. Vitamin A, however, loses 50%- 80% of its value in the first ...
Managing Pastures In Fall for Spring Growth
As temperatures drop and we move into late fall and early winter, it is essential to support your pasture for robust growth ...
Mowing For the Health of Your Horse and Pasture
Producing quality forage for horses on pasture takes active planning. It should include rotational grazing, fertilization, seeding, manure management, and mowing 3-4 ...
Pasture Management: Mowing Tips for A Healthy Pasture
Mowing plays a large role in maintaining a healthy pasture. Here, we answer a few questions for better forage production. Should I ...
The Hunt For Hay – Tips For Finding Hay In Lean Times
We all know hay production in the Midwest is unpredictable at best, and this year is no exception. If you did not ...
A Horse’s Food Journey
A horse’s food journey is a long and literally winding road. From mouth to fecal ball expulsion, this road trip can last ...
Dry Lots For The Health Of Your Horse
Why Have A Dry Lot? Nothing is prettier than horses grazing in lush green pastures… just not all day long. If you’ve ...