Potomac Horse Fever spreads through the ingestion of aquatic insects such as Caddisflies and Mayflies. To protect your horses from ingesting infected insects, ensure your food and water sources are not under the light as it will attract the pests. This doesn’t only apply to exterior lights. If you don’t need your barn lights on, turn them off, and strategically place water buckets and hay out of from under lighting. The pest will fall into the water or hay and die, contaminating the food source and resulting in accidental ingestion and infections.
Symptoms of Potomac Horse Fever
– High fever
– Diarrhea
– Poor Appetite
– Lethargy
– Depression
– Mild colic
– Abortion in pregnant mares
– Acute laminitis resulting in founder
Potomac Horse Fever Treatment
If you suspect your horse is showing clinical signs of Potomac Horse Fever, be sure to get in touch with your primary care veterinarian immediately, or you can contact the clinic at 636.332.5373.
NOTE: A vaccine is available for Potomac Horse Fever; however, it does not cover all strains. We highly recommend that horses with access to natural bodies of water, ponds, lakes, and streams receive an annual vaccination. #PotomacHorseFever #GetTheVaccine #HorseHealth